Privacy Policy
Data Protection And Cookies
The purpose of the Privacy Notice (“Notice”) is to inform you of what personal information we collect and for what purposes, what we do with it, how we take care of its security, and what your rights are that you can exercise in regarding the processing of personal data. We take the protection of your personal data extremely seriously and responsibly. We fully respect our obligations regarding the lawful, fair, and transparent processing of personal data. We advise you to familiarise yourself in detail with the content of this Notice.
To ensure that this Notice complies with personal data protection regulations, Essentia Pura reserves the right to amend or supplement it. We will inform you about the changes on time in the most appropriate way, e.g. via email or by posting on the website.
Company information:
Essentia Pura d.o.o.
Dunajska Cesta 196, 1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia, EU
Contact E-mail:
What personal data do we process?
a.) Basic contact information (name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, address, city, town, street, country);
b.) Information on the use of our websites (clicks on links, time spent) and information on the response to our e-mails (whether the message was opened, which links you clicked on);
c.) Information we need to fulfil the contract and deliver the purchased goods (the subject of purchase, price, delivery address, delivery time, method of payment, date of payment, data on complaints, information on the issued invoice, etc.)
d.) Server information (e.g., date and time of visits, subpages visited, the information you viewed or searched for, etc.).
e.) Device information (information about the computer or mobile device with which you access the website, including the operating system, model, web browser, etc.).
f.) Information about the use of our website.
Legal basis for the processing of personal data
We only collect your personal data when it is necessary or you have consented to it yourself. We will not process your personal data if the purpose or basis for their processing is not adequately substantiated by the applicable regulations in the field of personal data protection (Personal Data Protection Act, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 94/07 – official consolidated text (ZVOP-1)). Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (GDPR) and the Electronic Communications Act, Uradni list RS 109/12, 110/13, 40/14 – ZIN-B, 54/14 – exc. US, 81/15, and 40/17 (ZEKom-1)).
Essentia Pura will process your personal data on the following legal grounds:
By visiting our website, you have accepted and agreed to the General Terms and Conditions of Use of this website and have entered into a contract with Essentia Pura, which is used as the legal basis for the processing of your personal data. The data is encrypted and transferred to the server in a secure format. Such a system prevents anyone from intercepting your personal information.
Essentia Pura also processes your personal data based on a legal basis:
based on national legislation, including the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 68/16 and 81/19; ZPPDFT-1), the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 94/07 – officially consolidated text; ZVOP-1), Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 16/07 – officially consolidated text, 68/08, 110/13, 56/15 and 63/16 – ZKUASP; ZASP), etc., under other international treaties and EU regulations, which oblige Essentia Pura to provide personal data of individuals in certain cases to state authorities and other controllers to fulfil their or their legal obligations or responsibilities.
Essentia Pura may process personal data based on a legitimate interest, e.g.:
a.) for statistical purposes and to collect demographic data and the interests of visitors,
b.) to identify problems with the server and the website,
c.) to conduct business analyses,
d.) for further development of the offer,
e.) to improve or adapt services to the individual,
f.) to determine the effectiveness of promotional activities and advertising,
g.) based on other legitimate interests.
In certain cases, Essentia Pura may process your personal data based on your personal consent to carry out marketing activities, such as sending current news and general information about offers, news, benefits, events, or prize games, and to inform about the offer of services tailored to your personal interests. based on the profiling used by Essentia Pura for these purposes. Personal consent is completely voluntary and is not a condition for concluding a contract. In these cases, the processing takes place within the framework of a statement of the given purpose and agreed methods of notification, until the withdrawal of consent.
Purposes of personal data processing
We may use your personal information for one or more of the following purposes:
a.) communicating with you regarding the provision of our services and responding to your inquiries;
b.) the conclusion of the contract and the fulfilment of obligations arising from the concluded contract;
c.) marketing communication (sending e-mails and SMS messages);
d.) to assert any legal claims and resolve disputes;
e.) for statistical analyses on the sale of our goods and the use of our websites;
How long do we keep your personal information and what happens to it then?
The period of retention of personal data depends on the basis and purpose of processing each category of personal data. Personal data are stored only for as long as it is prescribed or allowed and necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected or further processed. After fulfilling the purpose, we will keep only the personal data that we are obliged to keep under the law or that we might need for evidentiary or defensive purposes if there was a possibility of making legal claims. Other data shall be deleted, destroyed, blocked or anonymised, unless otherwise provided by law for individual types of personal data.
We keep your personal data, which we process to send offers and notify you of news, until your cancellation, or in any case for a maximum of five years from the date of consent. After this period, we will ask you for your consent again.
Data on issued invoices are kept for 10 years from the date of issue.
After the retention period, personal data are effectively deleted or anonymized, which means that we process them in such a way that it is no longer possible to link it to you or attribute it to you.
The voluntary transmission of data and the consequences of non – transmission
The provision of personal data is voluntary. You are not obliged to provide us with personal data, but if you do not provide them, you cannot enter into a contract with us (as we need them to deliver the order). We will state which data is such that its transmission will have the stated consequences each time we obtain personal data from you.
Who has access to the personal information that you have provided to us? Will we disclose your personal data to third parties or transfer it outside the EU?
We take your privacy very seriously. Your personal information is a trade secret of Essentia Pura. Essentia Pura employees process your personal information under our credentials and our internal policies. Contractual processors are committed to protecting confidential information and respecting the rights of individuals in the same way as Essentia Pura employees.
We do not pass on your personal data and do not provide access to it to third parties other than those who have a written contract with us, based on which they perform certain tasks related to data processing and are obliged to comply with legislation on processing and protection of personal data. contractual processors. Contractual processors to whom we provide personal data are, for example:
a.) marketing service providers;
b.) providers of electronic mail;
c.) software solution providers;
d.) delivery services, etc.
Contractual processors may only process personal data under our instructions and may not process personal data for their purposes. They are committed, together with their employees, to protecting the confidentiality of your personal information.